Bucalo boutique

The Request

Our client, who operates in the clothing industry, managing and coordinating retail and franchising projects, has decided to embellish and decorate the walls of the new Bucalo brand clothing boutiques, with alternative modern panels made of plaster frames.

The Solution

The company Pa.Ca. srl supplied the plaster frames to cover the walls of the Bucalo brand men’s clothing boutiques.

This coating is also called “boiserie”: the plaster frames used separate the walls into a low and a high part and a centerline plaster frame is placed between them.

With the use of plaster boiserie, the spaces are defined and delimited, making the environments more harmonious and balanced.

Bucalo sales points photos.


11 + 10 =


Email: info@paca.re.it
PEC: paca@legalmail.it
Telephone: +39 0522 371693
Fax: +39 0522 577417


Pa.Ca. Srl
via Partigiani d'Italia, 12
42025 Cavriago (RE), Italia


From Monday to Friday
Morning: from 8:30 to 12:30
Afternoon: from 14:00 to 17:30
Saturday by appointment